Sunday, March 4, 2012

Five So-Called Health Foods You Should Avoid

            Do you think you make smart diet decisions? Maybe, maybe not. This article highlights five out of the many foods that are advertised as healthy, but in fact are actually hurting your body. Reduced Fat Peanut butter, enhanced water, energy bars, multi-grain foods, and Non-fried chips are all on the top of the list. The reduced fat peanut butter eliminates the peanut oil, the only beneficial ingredient in it. It is just replaced with sugar and artificial flavors. It is just recommended to eat regular peanut butter, which is proven to reduce the risks of heart attacks. Enhanced water is just filled with sugar plus a vitamin pill. Just drink water and enhance it with some lemon or lime juice, naturally. Energy bars are just "calorie bombs" with candy bars just being added with vitamins, protein, and fiber. Don't believe that multi-grain" is "whole grain" and non-fried chips are just added with refined grains and starches. 
           Everybody is now obsessed with themselves and their bodies and can sometimes be tricked into believing something when the opposite it true. This article written by, Katherine Tallmadge knew her audience very well, a health nut that needs to educate themselves with the truth. Everybody makes mistakes, but its how you fix them that makes you a better person.

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