Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hiring Locally for Farm Work Is No Cure-All

     All day, every day you hear about the recession and unemployment rate that will not seem to go down, but when American workers are offered a job on a farm most of them quit by their lunch break. Many said that the work was too hard for only earning $10.50 an hour. To me this is pathetic. Colorado onion farmer, John Harold, thought that instead of hiring foreign farmers to harvest the crops this summer he would hire some locals that were out of work. He and many other farms who decided to help out the local economy made a bad business move. These American workers were complaining that they were unemployed and when a summer job presented itself they took it, only to quit six hours into it. Are Americans becoming that wimpy? Many politicians are complaining that we are sending jobs overseas, if they want to fix the problem they might need to talk to their states residents to tell them that work is not suppose to be easy, that is why it is called WORK.
      Author, Kirk Johnson, is very upset with America's work ethic. He believes that Americans are lazy and complain all the time and I have to agree with him. He said, "Still, Mr. Mattics said, he can’t help feeling that people have gotten soft. " and Johnson supports this viewpoint. Johnson's audience is most likely unemployed Americans and he wants to make the point that you might need to get a minimum wage paying job now and just deal with it until a better opportunities arises. Johnson also brings up the immigration debate because John Harold does hire Mexicans for the summer through a government run program. The American government is allowing Mexicans into America for six months to work on farms and do all of the jobs that American's laugh at, this is wrong. What happened to the days when Americans were proud to grow the food that they eat because it looks like it is long gone and no one seems to care.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with the author's point of view and commend the farmers in their attempts to help out locals out of work but at the same time, I feel for the workers because working on a farm might be out of their comfort zone. I do think it is pathetic of the workers to last only half a day on the job before quitting but I sympathize in the fact that not everyone is cut out for labor like that.
