Sunday, October 16, 2011

To the unavoidable death and taxes, add airline fees

        Are you serious? Continental Airlines charges a $50 service fee to refund a deceased person's ticket. First you will need to contact the airline's refund department, then provide a death certificate, and finally give a credit card number. Is America becoming too greedy and ignoring people's feelings? I know that some people will try and create schemes to make money off the airlines and that is why airlines need to be careful, but a fee for a dead person, that is a little extreme. Airlines are charging a fee wherever they can to make a profit in these hard economic times.
        Mitch Lipka is a caring writer who sympathizes with this concerned reader who first complained about the fee. He supports this person who is clearing going through a tough time in their life. Lipka's sarcastic view of the airlines is apparent in the quote, "A lot of businesses, the airlines certainly among them, are much better at taking money than giving it back". I support Lipka, airlines can fee for overweight bags and changing your seat, but not for a death.

1 comment:

  1. This is ridiculous. It is completely unnecessary for a loved ones to deal with because it is hard enough losing a family member, the last thing you want to do is call American Airlines to pay them $50
