Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Mother Never Worked

          "Do you believe that a homemaker who has never been a wage earner should be entitled to a Social Security death benefit for her survivor's?" I do believe that parents who stay at home should receive a death benefit because they are up in the morning getting the children ready for school and then they get to work on all of the housework. Their day starts early and ends far beyond five o'clock like any other average American worker. They are the ones stuck at home with a never ending list of things to accomplish. These stay at home parents raise the children, teaching them their first words and showing them how to make a bed. This is much more important than being a car salesman. Mothers and some fathers across the nation are raising the next generation of hard working Americans, that is a lot of pressure. My mother does much more in a day than an accountant. She wakes up at six to feed the dogs, horses, and cats and then gets to work on cleaning stalls, grooming the horses, walking the dogs, going to the grocery store, doing loads upon loads of laundry, and then on top of all of that she also has to drive all around town picking up and dropping off her three daughters at various after school activities. To add onto that her husband is a merchant marine and gone for six months of the year. She is a single parent for six months of the year and has to balance a lot and the government is telling her that she won't receive a death benefit? Ridiculous. Welcome to America.

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