Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Photoshopped or Not? A Tool to Tell

         Has America become to obsessed with achieving perfection? My answer is yes. Who cares if you skin is not perfect or you are aging? People are becoming obsessed with their looks and achieving perfection when it is impossible and these people are wasting their life worrying about the little things. Photoshop is creating" images, research suggests, [that] contribute to eating disorders and anxiety about body types, especially among young women" (Lohr). For the advertisment business, Photoshop has become one of the most important tools that is used on a daily basis. Now there are new groups, mainly feminist groups, that created a system that can detect if an image has been altered on the computer. It would be a tool to remind people that they do not have to be Photoshopped to be beautiful and all that they see is fake. 
        I enjoyed this article very much because I do not support Photoshop. Though there are things that I would like to change about myself, I am a realists and there is not point to change photos if this is what I look like in person. Steve Lohr is against photoshop and makes it very clear. He supports people who want to set regulations for advertisement firms, so that they cannot Photoshop everything that they produce. Lohr provided great evidence to support his argument against Photoshop. As technology advances, so will peoples quest for perfection and I will let them waste their life away searching for the Fountain of Youth, while I enjoy my glorious life and accept what is.


  1. interesting article and I agree with your points.... you can photoshop a picture of you but you can't photoshop your actual body so you really aren't fooling anyone. Nice job:)

  2. I totally agree. Photoshop is just taking away natural beauty. They're telling people that they are not good enough for today's standards. I wish they had a magazine with all of the photos not photoshopped. Then people can see how beauty is supposed to be.
