Sunday, December 4, 2011

Student’s Death Turns Spotlight on Hazing

            Hazing kills, its plain and simple, yet it continues to be a major problem at colleges and universities. In November, Robert Champion, a drum major from Florida A&M died and many suspect hazing. "Before they even arrive at Florida A&M University here, the freshmen who are hand-picked for the famous marching band know all about the hazing, an unsanctioned tradition that goes back decades" (Alvarez), and she continues to explain many of the other hazing rituals than have remained constant over the years even after all of the anti-bullying and anti-hazing acts that have been passed. Champion's death is a surprise to many because he was, "a campus celebrity whose position reflects outstanding leadership skills and talent" (Alvarez) and even though the cause of death has not been determined, many people believe that hazing was involved. 
           Writer, Lizette Alvarez, is a concerned citizen who voices her views against hazing. The tone of this piece is very solemn and Alvarez packs this article with tons of emotion. I am thankful to be living in a community where hazing is not tolerated under any circumstances. As a member of the Hanover High School Marching Band, I was shocked to learn that a band acts this way towards other members because the band I am a part of is like a family. Hazing is a cruel way to show someone that you have power over them and I hope that Champion's death sheds some light on this life-treatening issue so no on else has to die because they were, "punched repeatedly by a small group of band members on the bus as part of a hazing ritual, then vomited and passed out" (Alvarez). Hazing needs to stop before another bone is broken or another life is lost.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god.. that's horrible. I didn't think they hazed at FAMU. I actually watched the last season's "The Battle" (Marching Band Show) which actually featured FAMU and I know they were really really strict, but I didn't think hazing was an issue.
