Sunday, December 25, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima 13-16

            Now, that we are half-way through the book, I keep wondering when a dramatic event or surprise will occur. I know that Narciso's death was a big event and Tenorio's constant planning of Ultima's death. I believe that eventually Tenorio will kill Ultima, but then Antonio will take her place. Antonio has been wondering a lot about God lately and tat will play a part in his decision. He is constantly thinking about God, church, consequences to his actions, and the Golden carp. Antonio is a very bright, young man who is constantly asking himself questions about the world. I am happy that the brothers have gone away, they always created tension between the family members and need to stay away. I did not like it when Tenorio confronted Antonio, it did not seem fair to me, a father against a young boy, Antonio was at a disadvantage, but still held his ground to protect ultima. Ultima is too overconfident for my liking, as she is always acting like she will never die. Anaya puts off mentioning the ending and how it will wrap up, but many of my predictions are staying the same. I believe that Tenorio will get his revenge, Ultima will die, and then Antonio will take her place so that they cycle will continue.

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