Sunday, December 25, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima 13-16

            Now, that we are half-way through the book, I keep wondering when a dramatic event or surprise will occur. I know that Narciso's death was a big event and Tenorio's constant planning of Ultima's death. I believe that eventually Tenorio will kill Ultima, but then Antonio will take her place. Antonio has been wondering a lot about God lately and tat will play a part in his decision. He is constantly thinking about God, church, consequences to his actions, and the Golden carp. Antonio is a very bright, young man who is constantly asking himself questions about the world. I am happy that the brothers have gone away, they always created tension between the family members and need to stay away. I did not like it when Tenorio confronted Antonio, it did not seem fair to me, a father against a young boy, Antonio was at a disadvantage, but still held his ground to protect ultima. Ultima is too overconfident for my liking, as she is always acting like she will never die. Anaya puts off mentioning the ending and how it will wrap up, but many of my predictions are staying the same. I believe that Tenorio will get his revenge, Ultima will die, and then Antonio will take her place so that they cycle will continue.

My Brilliant Second Career

            Psychics are powerful people that can answer our questions about some of the most important topics and decisions in our lives. One man was walking down the street when he was stopped by a psychic and she told him that he would have a new job that was very creative. At the time, this man was tutoring kids for the SAT's and delivering food. That man is actually now a writer for, but he started off as an intern. He even helped to redo and rewrite the website for the company. 
           This article was written almost as a life story about writer, Ibrahim Madha. He used humor when explaining how he got the job he is working at today. It is very interesting when you begin to read this article because at the beginning, I thought it would be about a billionaire or celebrity, but then it took a turn. It was an interesting look into how jobs and peoples lives can change so quickly. I have never been to see a psychic, but would be thrilled to see what they would say about my future.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

All 5 Aboard Plane Die as It Crashes on an Interstate in New Jersey

            What if you knew you were going to die? Would you accept it and say "I love you" or would you fight it until your last, dying breath? Recently, in New Jersey a small plane carrying five people and one dog, crash landed onto Interstate 287, they all died immediately. A banking firm from New York confirmed that it was "Jeffrey F. Buckalew, 45, and Rakesh Chawla, 36, were aboard the plane, as were Mr. Buckalew’s wife, Corinne, their son, Jackson, and their daughter, Meriwether" (Flegenheimer). This is an extremely sad tragedy due to icing on the plane. Pilot Buckalew enjoyed flying and attempted to rev the engine before it crashed. Residents who live close to the highway could see, hear, and smell the smoke in the air when the plane got extremely close to their homes. This accident should never have occurred, but, "It’s a very traumatic crash,” said Lt. Stephen Jones of the New Jersey State Police. “There is no cockpit to be seen." (Flegenheimer). Families are morning the lose of their loved ones who had recently sent out their Christmas cards that said, "they hope to see me during Christmas. said the aunt" (Flegenheimer). 
           It is always a troubling story to tell when people die, but especially since small children were involved. This article, written by Matt Flegenheimer, hits close to many peoples heart and makes you think about how life can be taken away form you so quickly. Flegenheimer, uses pathos to his advantage when writing this and emphasizes on the families reactions. This is a troubling story, but made me think about what I would do if I was in their position. I have thought about death, not in a morbid way, and I would never want to die like that, not being able to say goodbye to the life that I love so much. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima (Chapters 8-12)

            As the plot thickens and the family's struggles are continuously simmering, I can not imagine what else is in store for the Marez family. While reading chapter nine, I get the feeling that Antonio's mom, Maria, is the person who controls the entire family. Eugene, Leon, and Andrew are back from war, struggling with post traumatic stress syndrome and they are having a difficult time adjusting back to their normal lives, especially Leon. Maria must comfort him at night, but she is often comforting everybody in her family. She has control and that is why I believe that Antonio's dad, Gabriel, has not left yet. The family is divided, half want to move to California, half want to stay in New Mexico. I predict that half of the family might separate from the other half after Antonio makes his decision. The older boys are even divided about what Antonio will do, "'Tony will be a priest', he laughed. 'Tony will be her farmer,' Leon added"(Anaya 68).
            The plot in this novel does not seem to fit with the time period. To me, it would fit better if this novel was set during the American Indian Wars. Their lifestyles seem to be very minimal for being set in the 1940's. They have no telephone or radio and to me the, witchcraft and healing abilities of Ultima seemed to have been occurring in earlier time periods. Ultima's abilities keep becoming more and more dangerous and complicated as the novel continues on. She first cures Lucas, but then kills one Tenorio's daughters and I just want Ultima to only do good things with her magic. I also do not like that Ultima is introducing all of this bad witchcraft to Antonio, seeing as he is only a young boy. Although he is extremely mature and advanced two grades in school, sometimes Ultima seems to be a bad influence on him.
          I am looking forward to the rest of Bless Me, Ultima seeing as now the plot events are getting more interesting and appealing. I believe that Ultima will have to face the angry mob again and their tricks to try and prove her evil witchcraft, but she will always escape it. I predict that the Marez family's growing tensions against each other will guild Antonio into spending more time with Ultima to escape his family's feuding. As of right now, I do not know if Ultima's intentions are admirable or evil and look forward to seeing what other miracles she can perform.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Last To Fall: David Hickman

          This is one of the saddest things that could ever happen to a family, but hopefully it will never happen again. On November 14, 2011 David Hickman was killed by a makeshift bomb in Iraq. His mother received the news the next morning at her home in Greensboro. As the news spread that troops are leaving the Middle East, the Pentagon believes that Hickman was the 4,474 member of the United States MIlitary to be killed during the war and many are hoping that he will be the last. 
       Writer, J.Freedom du Lac, wrote this article, not only to pay respects to the Hickman family, but to recognize all of the families who have lost someone in this war. It is an extremely somber article and it is written extremely well, as to not offend any families. I am very happy that this terrible war is over and that there will be no number 4,4,75 member of our military lost. The Hickman family should be proud of David and he will never be forgotten. 

Dedicated to all of the families who have lost a member 
of the family due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, 
may they rest in peace.

New England Asks: Who Has Fairest Lobster Trap Tree of All?

         Are you a fan of the classic Christmas tree, with its gleaming white lights, tinsel, and delicately hung ornaments? Well, if you said no then I have found the tree for you. The newest trend in Christmas trees in New England is creating lobster trap Christmas trees that are located in the town squares. They are carefully stacked and decorated with lights and lobster buoys. They have been found to stand up to 65 feet tall and have an intense presence in the communities. In Maine, these creations soon turn into competitions, with each community trying to make theirs biggest and better. “Well, we’re the lobstering capital of Maine — we should have a trap tree, said Lorain Francis,” (Bidgood), focuses on the communities competitions. 
       To me this is what Christmas is about, having a fun, community event where everybody gets involved instead of running people over in mall parking lots trying to get the best spot. This adds a unique element to every town, especially because they are only located in New England. Writer, Jess Bidgood, also enjoys this new tradition, writing a fun and festive article that New Englanders will be proud to read about. She knows her audience and uses the holiday season traditions as a base to draw readers in. This holiday article is sure to get you into the spirit of giving.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima (Chapters 1-7)

           First things first, I am pleased with my choice to take Spanish as my second language in high school because it is extremely helpful while reading this book. Unlike some of my other classmates, I enjoy the Spanish phrases, they add a quirkiness to Rudolfo Anaya's novel. The Spanish additions to the novel make it unique, along with its setting in New Mexico, as not many novels are set in the World War II period in a "llano" located in New Mexico. As I keep reading, the Marez'a families customs and habits keep reappearing. The family obviously respects the elderly and when Antonio called "La Grande", Ultima, his mother scolds him along with saying, "It would be a great honor to provide a home for la Grande"(Anaya 4). Another habit that keeps reappearing is when Antonio's parents constantly bicker and fight with each other. Anaya also keeps restating the fact that Antonio's mother was the daughter of farmers, which might be a factor in predicting what Antonio will do in the future. There is a constant appreciation and love for nature seen in the beginning of this book and I believe that this behavior will continue on throughout the book.
           Antonio often describes his dreams and I believe that each dream he has will have a connection to either his past or to his future. Antonio has big expectations to fulfill, his mother wants him to become a priest while his father wishes that Antonio will become a "cowboy" and wander across the llanos, but I believe that he will make his own choice. I also believe that Ultima will have a huge impact on Antonio's decision. He is very adventurous, as seen when he sneaks out and hides in the bushes to see Lupito get shot by his father and a group of men. Antonio's adventurous nature is sure to be a factor in his life choice. There are a lot of things that Antonio must think about before he makes his choice and he has plenty of time, but his brothers off fighting in a war, his parents constant bickering, beginning school, and Ultima's new presence in his life are all factors in his choice.
          I wish I was like Antonio, a carefree, adventurous person with potential to do whatever
they please.  So far, I am enjoying this book tremendously and cannot wait to see Antonio's life play out.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nation Pauses to Remember Pearl Harbor

            Seventy years ago, 2,400 brave soldiers lost their lives when the Japanese attacked the United States. Today, in honor of these men and the one hundred and twenty men still alive today that survived Pearl Harbor, a moment of silence will occur at 7:55 am. At the Pearl Harbor visitors center in Hawaii over three thousand people will come to witness a rifle salute, wreath presentations, and to honor those who have died. It is sad to say, but the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association is dissolving on December 31 due to the loss of chapter leaders and the gradual loss of its members due to old age. Interviewers are rushing to get their final interviews with the last of the Pearl Harbor survivors.
           It is sad to think about when the final Pearl Harbor survivor dies and then their true memories and stories will be lost for forever. The news writers at inform the readers about a solemn memorial service that is sure to be broadcasted on the news. It is a very sad story, but now this day focus' on the constant fight for global peace. Pearl Harbor can serve as a reminder to all about the gloomy past, but then they can look forward to a brighter future. There is so much emotion packed into a very small article and everybody can relate to this story and feel for the amount of lives lost seventy years ago.

Sometimes a Purse is Just a Purse

        Seeing a cute handbag while walking down the street is like a seeing a puppy, you gotta have it. What happens when you decide to go on a plane ride and that cute clutch of yours has a gun embroidered on it, not a real gun, an outline of a gun. Well, the TSA will ask you to not bring it on board the flight even though it is not a real or replicated gun. Recently a teenage girl from Virginia was asked to either check her bag or give it up to the TSA agents. She was outraged and believe me, I would be too. The scanners at the airport had mistaken it as a real gun, so precautions were made, but then they saw that it was just a purse and yet they still made her give up her bag. It was just a purse, it couldn't shoot bullets or kill someone, it was an embroidered clutch. 
        The government, especially the TSA, have taken security measures to the extreme and writer, Patrick Smith has taken the sarcastic approach to explaining this unfortunate situation. I enjoyed reading this article because of Smith's sarcastic approach to writing this article. He made fun of TSA calling them, "Department of You Can’t Make This Up" and calling the situation worthy of the, " Hall of Shame ". This situation was ridiculous and should not happen again in the future.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Student’s Death Turns Spotlight on Hazing

            Hazing kills, its plain and simple, yet it continues to be a major problem at colleges and universities. In November, Robert Champion, a drum major from Florida A&M died and many suspect hazing. "Before they even arrive at Florida A&M University here, the freshmen who are hand-picked for the famous marching band know all about the hazing, an unsanctioned tradition that goes back decades" (Alvarez), and she continues to explain many of the other hazing rituals than have remained constant over the years even after all of the anti-bullying and anti-hazing acts that have been passed. Champion's death is a surprise to many because he was, "a campus celebrity whose position reflects outstanding leadership skills and talent" (Alvarez) and even though the cause of death has not been determined, many people believe that hazing was involved. 
           Writer, Lizette Alvarez, is a concerned citizen who voices her views against hazing. The tone of this piece is very solemn and Alvarez packs this article with tons of emotion. I am thankful to be living in a community where hazing is not tolerated under any circumstances. As a member of the Hanover High School Marching Band, I was shocked to learn that a band acts this way towards other members because the band I am a part of is like a family. Hazing is a cruel way to show someone that you have power over them and I hope that Champion's death sheds some light on this life-treatening issue so no on else has to die because they were, "punched repeatedly by a small group of band members on the bus as part of a hazing ritual, then vomited and passed out" (Alvarez). Hazing needs to stop before another bone is broken or another life is lost.