Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Are Teachers Overpaid?

            The everlasting debate over teachers pay is up for discussion again in this debate from the New York Times and I side with the teachers. The main statement that stood out to me in this article was, "The extra money is already there, but teacher quality has not risen to match it. This implies a fundamental problem with how teachers are hired", because we have a major issue with teacher hirings at Hanover High School. Another point brought up was how merit money should be set aside for the top teachers so that the ones that go above and beyond for their students will receive a bonus and that extra money could inspire others to work harder. I believe that students should be much more involved in the teacher hiring and evaluations that go on in the school district because we are the people that spend six hours a day with them. This debate will most likely go on as long as we have public schools, so take the time to think about how you stand on this issue. 
         Writers, Andrew Biggs and Jason Richwine, have brought up a very important issue in todays economy. If anybody deserves a  raise, it is most likely public school teachers, they care so much about their work and work hard to lead their students to success. I agree with this article though, not every teacher is worthy of a raise. I believe that many people are very passionate about this issue and that was used to fuel this ever growing debate.


  1. I like the idea of getting some students involved in the teacher hiring process.... nice job:)

  2. I think this is such a good idea! I like the idea of giving a little bonus to teachers who deserve it. The only thing I'm wondering about is how they'll actually determine who deserves it. There's no true way of really knowing. And I do like the idea of students being more involved. They kind of started doing that a bit, with hiring the new assistant principal this past summer, there were a few students asked to come to the group interview to give input from the student's point of view. They should definitely do it more often.
