Friday, January 6, 2012

The FAA Gets It Right...Almost

         A passengers worst nightmare, your on a plane and the intercom comes on and its a flight attendant saying that the pilot is passed out. Now I know that this situation is highly unlikely, but sleepless pilots are a danger to all. Last month the FAA released its new rules and policies that all pilots must follow and one of the new additions it a longer rest time in between flights. It took a while to achieve this, but a slew of fatal incidents pushed the committees to pass it. Each pilot must now get a ten hour rests period that they can have eight hours of uninterrupted sleep before taking off. 
        Writer, Patrick Smith, is very thrilled with the new additions to the flight policies and truly believes that they will work properly. Smith used the audiences fears of flying to his advantage so they can read this and calm their nerves. I think this is a step in the right directions for the FAA, because recently they have had many fumbles with their ridiculous policies. No one wants a tired pilot even if it is just a domestic flight so this is beneficial to everyone.


  1. Totally agree with this! I'm glad they're giving pilots more time to rest. Hopefully it takes some pressure off of them, too.

  2. they ALMOST got it right. I think being a pilot would be an extremely high stress job and deserve time to rest. I wouldn't want my pilot to fall asleep at the wheel.
