Sunday, January 22, 2012

Texting While Walking

                  Texting is an addiction, you cannot travel more than ten feet in public without seeing someone looking down at their cell phone, either responding or creating a text. According to Ohio State University, "more than 1,000 pedestrians visited emergency rooms in 2008 after they were injured while using a cellphone to talk or text" (Neistat). Really? You can't see where you are going and somehow you end up in the hospital, this is getting ridiculous. Maybe, people should learn when it is appropriate to text in public instead of just anywhere. 
                 Writer, Casey Neistat, was sarcastic and found humor in our blunders saying, "Let’s stop acting like hollowed-out zombies, with BlackBerrys and iPhones replacing eye contact, handshakes and face-to-face conversations.  It’s time to live once again in the present and simply be where we are". I agree, walking down the street to get a coffee should not be dangerous because someone decides to see what his or her friends are up to that evening. Let's be more considerate and think about the people around us, that is tough seeing as everyone around us is always texting too.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! If texting and walking is putting you at risk of getting injured then you need to stop and go buy some new coordination.((Although I shouldn't be talking because I can hardly walk and chew gum at the same time... but because I know that, I dont walk down the street trying to text 15 people at once.)) But seriously, people need to learn that a conversation can wait and when it's appropriate to text.
