Monday, February 6, 2012

The Absurd Life of an Abercrombie and Fitch Model

            This hilarious article about a twenty-six year old being "discovered" in New York tells the tale of Terry McCoy, an ex-Abercrombie and Fitch model. He began his day like any other, walking down the street, it was raining when a women came up to him and asked him if he had ever modeled, stunned Terry said "No". She "loved his look" and then took his contact information, McCoy never expecting this women to call him, but two days later she did. He was called into a recruiting session and got the job as an Abercrombie and Fitch model, getting paid $9 an hour. He had to learn catch phrases to say when people would enter the store and how to pose while folding clothes. To him, "It’s a confounding, bombastic and erotic slice of our American zeitgeist. Put another way: White people love it" (McCoy). On his first day he showed up late, hungover, and smelly, but to his surprise no one cared, not even the manager. He was given an outfit, but had to change many times because the pants were never tight enough. His job description was to be friendly and adorable, nothing more. McCoy also learned that, "At Abercrombie, I cannot overstate the cultural impact of wearing very skinny jeans, then plunging a thumb into each front pocket. This stance is very important. If you haven’t tried it before, I suggest you do" (McCoy). He quit two hours into his six hour shift, but no one really cared his manager saying, " Thanks bro! Catch you later!". 
            I laughed in my head many time while reading this story. His sarcastic and witty comments throughout his tale were perfect and charming. His ethos and personal experience made his story seem like it was playing out in front of you. This is my favorite article that I have read this year, actually reading every single word of it, even re-reading some. Apparently all you need is the right look and then you too could be an Abercrombie and Fitch model.


  1. I loved this article too:) what a charming guy!

  2. Hilarious. Makes me think of the college career lists and stuff and that 'modeling' was under the category needing 'Little or No Preparation' haha. Goes to show you Naviance is right...
