Sunday, February 5, 2012

How Tanning Changes the Brain

           Tanning is bad, no matter what way you look at it and this article is just another piece of evidence proving that it should be outlawed. New research proves that tanning is addicting and that your brain can tell when you are experiencing UV rays and when you're not. The exposure to ultraviolet rays was suspected to be addictive and now scientist have proven that they are. Some people go tanning to reward themselves for their hard work and  "'What this shows is that the brain is in fact responding to UV light, and it responds in areas that are associated with reward,' said Dr. Bryon Adinoff" (O'Connor). Even with all of the warning about skin cancer and possible health risks tanning remains as popular as ever with about 30 million people tanning at salons every year. The experiment is set up so, "The tanners, questioned after each session, expressed less desire to tan after the real sessions, indicating they had gotten their fill. But on days when the tanners were unknowingly deprived of the UV rays, their desire to tan after the session remained as high as it was before the session began" (O'Connor). 
               I agree with writer, Anahad O'Connor, and his beliefs about tanning. Tanning indoors should be taken more seriously than it is today, there are just too many health risks related to extreme exposure to UV lights. The article is full of logos, O'Connor saying many statistics and scientific findings to prove his viewpoint.

1 comment:

  1. I was unaware that carrot was an ethnicity... but that applies more so to spray tanning than tanning beds. The idea of being shut inside a coffin of light bulbs? Eugh, no thank you... Honestly, I don't understand the appeal of dead, browned skin cells. Because in essence, that's all a tan is.
