Monday, February 13, 2012

Adele: Too Fat for Fashion Designer

            Tip for all the men out there, DON'T comment on women's weight, it will only get you in trouble. Top designer, Karl Lagerfeld, had to learn this the hard way, when he commented on pop singer Adele's weight earlier this month calling her, "a little too fat". The Chanel designer has co-authored diet books and has faced his own weight problems in the past, but he crossed a line. Adele is not trying to be a skinny pop singer who has to starve herself to stay on top and as a designer he should have respected a real women's shape. Lagerfeld also dug a deeper hole by saying, "If I was a woman in Russia I would be a lesbian, as the men are very ugly" and "Nobody wants Greece to disappear, but they have really disgusting habits – Italy as well". Some people in the fashion world shot back at Lagerfeld by posting on Twitter, "Love Adele, Boycott Chanel". In my opinion, Adele is perfect and I envy her voice. She should be proud of what she has accomplished and continue on singing. 
             Author, Mary Elizabeth Williams, states, "I actually prefer Adele, she is my favorite singer and I am a great admirer of her". I completely agree with everything Williams said in this article, defending Adele all the way. She used a lot of quotes from famous people defending Adele and used many of Lagerfeld's hurtful statements. Adele has nothing to be ashamed of, if anything she should be extremely proud of what she has accomplished in what some call, "The Year of Adele".


  1. Adele and is a big boned beauty!

  2. I love listening to her speaking voice, especially with the way she tells people to shove off about her weight and that she likes to eat cake... :) I envy everything about her voice and she deserves every Grammy she won.

  3. I love the author Mary Elizabeth Williams- she always writes about something good!
    I also love the way you opened your post with a warning.:)
    I think Adele should do what she wants, and eat what she wants, and look like she wants; as long as her voice is the same! Haters gonna hate....
