Friday, March 16, 2012

Give juvenile convicts a shot at hope

Imagine being locked up for life when you are only fourteen? You would not know any life outside of a jail cell and be trapped inside of a cell 24 hours a day.  Next week the , "Supreme Court will be confronted with two cases that question whether juveniles convicted of murder may be locked away forever, without even a possibility of parole" and it is a heated debate. One boy is convicted because two of his friends went in to rob a video store when he waited outside, but the clerk was shot and he was convicted of murder and sentenced to life without parol. Another case involves a fourteen year old brutally beating his neighbor with a baseball bat and then setting the house on fire, making it impossible for the immobilized victim to escape the flames. One case involves a boy who made a wrong decision, but did not kill the man himself, and the other involves a truly disturbed person, but the court's decision will affect them both. 
This article is a part of a country wide debate that involves 79 boys between the ages of 13-14 and their wrongdoings. I believe that if at that young age, if you are capable of capital murder, then you should be locked away for life, they are a danger to humanity. This article showed both sides to the story and was extremely interesting to read.

A Meter So Expensive, It Creates Parking Spots

Traffic is a commuters worst nightmare and some city streets are clogged with angry people fighting for a prime parking spot.  "As much as a third of the traffic in some areas has been attributed to drivers circling as they hunt for spaces" (Cooper). A new program in San Francisco tries to raise the rate of the parking spots that are in high demand and lower the price on the emptier neighborhoods. It has shown that the spots are remaining open and available to more people when the rates were raised by a dollar. Parking sensors have been put in place to monitor the streets and the parking improvements. Some critics are saying that the city is ripping people off just because their work place is located on a busy street. 
This collaboration between Michael Cooper and Jo Craven McGinty show the benefits and downfalls to the ever growing traffic problem. For some it is an improvement while others are fiercely opposed. Many quotes and lots of logos complete this article that could determine the future of the parking situation.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Michigan Woman Wins Lottery, Still Collects Welfare

            This is just ridiculous and proves how greedy people have become in today's society. It came after an anonymous tip came into a Michigan news station to do a story about people who won the lottery, but are still collecting welfare. They found that, "A Michigan woman who won a $1-million lottery jackpot last fall admits she's continued to collect $200 a month in public assistance" (Lynch) and the worst thing about this is that she believes that she deserves it because she is still without a job, even with her millions. She accepted the money after paying off her taxes and collected it in a lump-sum, making it easier to hind her wrong-doings. With her money, she bought two houses and a new car, so maybe if she saved some of it the welfare would not be needed. A new legislation is being made up to monitor anyone who wins over $1000 and to take them off the welfare list until they reapply. Michigan's state rep. say, "Public assistance is for those people who can no longer purchase food for their families, or pay their heating bills. It's not here to help those who win millions of dollars". 
              Rene Lynch knew her audience very well, hard-working tax payers who hate to see their money going to a person who already has a million. It used a lot of pathos and could easily anger many people in not only Michigan, but all over America. The logos was also another strong factor that Lynch used, getting quotes from the winner, the winner's mother, and the state representative. It was a great news story that will shed light on how states waste money on already wealthy people.,0,3643323.story

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Preschoolers in Surgery for a Mouthful of Cavities

            No one likes a trip to the dentist, no imagine if 11 out of your 20 teeth had cavities. Youngster, Devon Koester, had to take a trip to the  Center for Pediatric Dentistry at Seattle Children’s Hospital for a surgery to remove some of the cavities while filling and putting crowns on the rest. His mother said, "I had a lot on my mind, and brushing his teeth was an extra thing I didn’t think about at night". This is a bad example and with dentists, "seeing more preschoolers at all income levels with 6 to 10 cavities or more" (Saint Louis), it is becoming a huge problem in the U.S.. Snacking constantly and sugary juice drinks are also contributing to the horrible decay seen in the preschoolers. Dental surgeons say, "The average age of patients is 4, and most have decay in six to eight teeth" and "The most severe cases have 12 or 16, which is seen several times a week", both of which are appalling to think about. 
             The one thing that I learned from this is that whether or not your child enjoys brushing their teeth, you should make them because it could cost you in the future. Dental health is a part of your overall health and people should consider this to be as important as taking a shower and sleeping. Catherine Saint Louis is extremely passionate about this issue, clearly caring about these toddlers and their teeth issues. No matter the effects people just don't seem to learn, "Janine Costantini, the ambulatory practice director at Children’s Hospital Colorado, said the staff treated a 3-year-old who was making his second visit to the operating room for dental work. The boy arrived with a bottle of Coca-Cola" (Saint Louis). It is incredible to think about how careless and stupid people can be when making parental decisions. Saint Louis purpose in writing this is to inform everybody that this is becoming a major issue in the U.S. and needs to be taken much more seriously by parents.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Five So-Called Health Foods You Should Avoid

            Do you think you make smart diet decisions? Maybe, maybe not. This article highlights five out of the many foods that are advertised as healthy, but in fact are actually hurting your body. Reduced Fat Peanut butter, enhanced water, energy bars, multi-grain foods, and Non-fried chips are all on the top of the list. The reduced fat peanut butter eliminates the peanut oil, the only beneficial ingredient in it. It is just replaced with sugar and artificial flavors. It is just recommended to eat regular peanut butter, which is proven to reduce the risks of heart attacks. Enhanced water is just filled with sugar plus a vitamin pill. Just drink water and enhance it with some lemon or lime juice, naturally. Energy bars are just "calorie bombs" with candy bars just being added with vitamins, protein, and fiber. Don't believe that multi-grain" is "whole grain" and non-fried chips are just added with refined grains and starches. 
           Everybody is now obsessed with themselves and their bodies and can sometimes be tricked into believing something when the opposite it true. This article written by, Katherine Tallmadge knew her audience very well, a health nut that needs to educate themselves with the truth. Everybody makes mistakes, but its how you fix them that makes you a better person.

Does Couples Therapy Work?

              You see on television, couples headed towards divorce battling it out in therapy and you have to wonder if it really does anything. I, myself wonder if therapy is helpful or hurtful. Personally, yes some people cannot make their own decisions and need guidance, but now it just seems like everyone has to consult with a therapist. Author, Elizabeth Weil says when dealing with couples, "You often feel confused, at odds with a least one of your patients, out of control”(Weil). I can see her point, a therapist can't just sit there,  “You have to like action. To manage marital combat, a therapist needs to get in there, mix it up with the client, be a ninja. This is intimidating” (Weil).
                  It has been proven that therapy can rekindle love in marriages and it is worth the try if you truly love someone.Weil used logos effectively, using quotes from therapists and psychologists. It was a well put together piece, with evidence to back up the thesis. The audience would be couples in danger of divorce, a big issue in today's society. 


Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Secret Science of Stardom

           This article, The Secret Science of Stardom, reminds me of the article we read from Patterns, Fame-iness. Elizabeth Currid-Halkett defines what she believes fame is saying, "The basic criterion for being a star is that society is collectively interested in someone for things that transcend their talent". Halkett also reminds the readers that some people are only famous for being famous. Halkett and her partner studied hundreds of celebrities and how many times they were photographed and how it correlated with their celebrity status. They wanted to see if talented stars act differently than the ones driven by the media. Halkett wanted to see the different behavioral patterns in different levels of stars. Paris Hilton, is the most photographed celebrity, but that is not because of her level of talent, but because she has gone to the most events and has gotten her photo taken everywhere that she goes. Halkett explained saying, "Hilton attended over three times as many events as Oscar nominee Brad Pitt" and "Viola Davis a mere four events in the very same year that Hilton attended 95 events". Halkett is not impressed by Hilton and uses logos to back up her thesis. 
              There is a method to becoming a star and at first you may need to be in every photograph, but once you are an Oscar winning actor, the less events you go to, the more famous and in demand you are. I am fascinated with the idea of fame and would love to experience it for myself, but only for a week or two. There is something about going out to eat and everybody would know your name and envy you, it would be thrilling. Back to reality, this piece pointed out that even though you see the Kardashians in almost every tabloid, it does not mean that they are a truly famous. Being famous, means that you need to have a mysterious side to you and you draw people in just to be seen a couple of times a month. Halkett knew her audience and wrote the article this week because of the Oscars on Sunday.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to Wear a Tux

            Ladies, we always complain about how men have it so easy when getting ready for a formal event and they do, but a tux can be tricky to pull off. The tie has to be pointy, but no too pointy and do not even think about wearing a pant that is an inch too long! Author Guy Trebay says, "A tailor is your best friend" and he lives by that saying. A suit needs to look classic, either in a black or midnight-blue fabric paired with a classic, formal shoe. A tie is not acceptable at the Oscars and neither is a colorful jacket that could cause controversy. Joan Rivers will tear a man apart if their tux is ill-fitted or they are in a black shirt. George Clooney was at the top of Trebay's best dressed list because, "He has, of course, an obvious advantage".
           As a fan of watching the red carpet, I know what a good tux looks like and too often I see a gorgeous superstar in a horrible suit. I enjoyed this article, aimed at men, but also at women who complain that the men have it too easy. The logos was the strongest, with quotes from many men's designers and tailors. Little comments added humor throughout this timely article.

Happy (Early) St. Patrick's Day!

An Original Kaylee's Cupcake!

Key Lime Classic
-Graham Cracker Crust
-Lime Cupcake
-White Chocolate Ganache Center
-Lime Frosting
*Decorated with green sanding sugar and a mini shamrock*

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Things I Carry

         This article brought me back to when our class read, The Things They Carry. It was an interesting article about a traveler and the electronics needed for his job. The main question asked in this essay was, Is all of this stuff really made to make our lives easier? Author, Patrick Smith, seems to believe that in fact all of these gadgets are necessary as a journalist, but they are actually making his life harder. He did not even own a cell phone until 2006 and now he is carrying around all of these things to and from cities. He states his thesis as, "All of this, supposedly, to keep us “connected.” To make our lives easier and more productive. Does it?" (Smith). It is crazy to think that we really need all of these electronics, but some people do. If you have an iPhone, then you need the charger and then the connector and then you MacBook, but your camera does not work with the Mac connector so you need to get a different one and soon enough you have more wires than an electrician.
        Some people consider all of these things necessities, but are they really? I know that I could probably travel without some of these things, but Smith is a journalist who needs all of these to stay connected to his job. I feel bad for him, having to carry all of this around all the time, but I think he wanted to sympathy. If I was traveling I would most likely bring my phone and its charger, but I don't have a camera or laptop of my own, so that would cut down on the amount of cords. I always have my iPod and my headphones and my Burt's Bees lip balm along with a pack of gum and hand sanitizer. When I think about it, I too carry around probably more than I need, but hey, its the things that I carry.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Adele: Too Fat for Fashion Designer

            Tip for all the men out there, DON'T comment on women's weight, it will only get you in trouble. Top designer, Karl Lagerfeld, had to learn this the hard way, when he commented on pop singer Adele's weight earlier this month calling her, "a little too fat". The Chanel designer has co-authored diet books and has faced his own weight problems in the past, but he crossed a line. Adele is not trying to be a skinny pop singer who has to starve herself to stay on top and as a designer he should have respected a real women's shape. Lagerfeld also dug a deeper hole by saying, "If I was a woman in Russia I would be a lesbian, as the men are very ugly" and "Nobody wants Greece to disappear, but they have really disgusting habits – Italy as well". Some people in the fashion world shot back at Lagerfeld by posting on Twitter, "Love Adele, Boycott Chanel". In my opinion, Adele is perfect and I envy her voice. She should be proud of what she has accomplished and continue on singing. 
             Author, Mary Elizabeth Williams, states, "I actually prefer Adele, she is my favorite singer and I am a great admirer of her". I completely agree with everything Williams said in this article, defending Adele all the way. She used a lot of quotes from famous people defending Adele and used many of Lagerfeld's hurtful statements. Adele has nothing to be ashamed of, if anything she should be extremely proud of what she has accomplished in what some call, "The Year of Adele".

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


             My mind is full of "what ifs" at the moment, "What if they don't like me?", "What if I make a fool of myself?", "What if I just stand there with nothing to do?. If I did the last option my teacher might kill me (not really), but she would be disappointed in me and then I would feel guilty. I over think situations way too much and everyone tells me that everything will be fine, but there will always be the "What if?" looming in the back of my mind. I am thrilled to be going to my internship, but it is my first day, I am like a child going off to preschool for the first time, not knowing anyone and not knowing what to expect. I just want to make it through the first day and then I will be fine (deep breath). I will be fine (deep breath). They will like me (deep breath). I am ready. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Absurd Life of an Abercrombie and Fitch Model

            This hilarious article about a twenty-six year old being "discovered" in New York tells the tale of Terry McCoy, an ex-Abercrombie and Fitch model. He began his day like any other, walking down the street, it was raining when a women came up to him and asked him if he had ever modeled, stunned Terry said "No". She "loved his look" and then took his contact information, McCoy never expecting this women to call him, but two days later she did. He was called into a recruiting session and got the job as an Abercrombie and Fitch model, getting paid $9 an hour. He had to learn catch phrases to say when people would enter the store and how to pose while folding clothes. To him, "It’s a confounding, bombastic and erotic slice of our American zeitgeist. Put another way: White people love it" (McCoy). On his first day he showed up late, hungover, and smelly, but to his surprise no one cared, not even the manager. He was given an outfit, but had to change many times because the pants were never tight enough. His job description was to be friendly and adorable, nothing more. McCoy also learned that, "At Abercrombie, I cannot overstate the cultural impact of wearing very skinny jeans, then plunging a thumb into each front pocket. This stance is very important. If you haven’t tried it before, I suggest you do" (McCoy). He quit two hours into his six hour shift, but no one really cared his manager saying, " Thanks bro! Catch you later!". 
            I laughed in my head many time while reading this story. His sarcastic and witty comments throughout his tale were perfect and charming. His ethos and personal experience made his story seem like it was playing out in front of you. This is my favorite article that I have read this year, actually reading every single word of it, even re-reading some. Apparently all you need is the right look and then you too could be an Abercrombie and Fitch model.

One's A Crowd

               Apparently, being lonely is the new relationship status when it comes to living in a city. More people are living alone more than ever, especially in busy cities, but compared to other countries America's percentage is low. Germany, France, Britain, and other world powers have a higher percentage of one-person-per household. Three of these world powers, China, India, and Brazil, all having fast growing economies. Could there be a link between single adults and a better economy? Is the fact that they are not committed to a person provide more time for them to focus on work, thus bettering the economy? Living along also," ... promotes freedom, personal control and self-realization" (Klinenberg). Another upside to being single is, "In fact, living alone can make it easier to be social, because single people have more free time, absent family obligations, to engage in social activities" (Klinenberg). Predictions show that living along will become more and more popular in the future.  
              The fact that living alone is no longer looked down upon is uplifting news for single people across the world. Maybe being single is not  so bad after all. I enjoyed reading this article and its positive outlook on life. Clearly written for single people, Eric Klinenberg, uses logos to defend his position. The possibility that being single could actually help the economy could suggest social change for the future and tax deductions for single people, who are helping the economy more than married couples. This article has the ability to change how people perceive being single.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Upside of Dyslexia

          The upside to dyslexia is that a person affected by this reading disorder might be superior in science and art. Early evidence proves that "many people with dyslexia possess distinctive perceptual abilities" (Paul) and have sharper peripheral vision than others. People with dyslexia can also see a scene and rapidly "get the gist of it" quickly. Maybe dyslexia should not be seen as a disability, but as a talent? This early evidence is leaning in a positive direction for those impacted by dyslexia. 
          This optimistic article written by Annie Murphy Paul is truly good news for the 15% of Americans suffering form dyslexia. There is a lot of logos and pathos in this article using emotion and logic to make suggestions and prove her point. I am glad that many people are excited about this news and it will be helpful to tell a child having trouble with reading that they are better in other areas that some kids are not as good in. This also proves that there is an upside to everything.

How Tanning Changes the Brain

           Tanning is bad, no matter what way you look at it and this article is just another piece of evidence proving that it should be outlawed. New research proves that tanning is addicting and that your brain can tell when you are experiencing UV rays and when you're not. The exposure to ultraviolet rays was suspected to be addictive and now scientist have proven that they are. Some people go tanning to reward themselves for their hard work and  "'What this shows is that the brain is in fact responding to UV light, and it responds in areas that are associated with reward,' said Dr. Bryon Adinoff" (O'Connor). Even with all of the warning about skin cancer and possible health risks tanning remains as popular as ever with about 30 million people tanning at salons every year. The experiment is set up so, "The tanners, questioned after each session, expressed less desire to tan after the real sessions, indicating they had gotten their fill. But on days when the tanners were unknowingly deprived of the UV rays, their desire to tan after the session remained as high as it was before the session began" (O'Connor). 
               I agree with writer, Anahad O'Connor, and his beliefs about tanning. Tanning indoors should be taken more seriously than it is today, there are just too many health risks related to extreme exposure to UV lights. The article is full of logos, O'Connor saying many statistics and scientific findings to prove his viewpoint.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Memoir #2

I chose my second memoir, Death Be Not Proud, by John Gunther, thanks to Talia Flamos and her persuasive presentation and description of the book during our english class. Hopefully, I will be able to easily compare my two memoirs in an essay. I am also looking forward to reading this book because my other memoir got dull towards the end and this book seems more interesting and more modern.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Piece of the Manhattan Dream

          Many dream about moving to New York to make it in the big city, but never for $332 a month, that is just unheard of. Arnold Warwick’s has a beautiful four-bedroom apartment in New York City's Greenwich Village that happens to be rent controlled and if it wasn't he would have been paying upwards of $5,000 a month. People are fighting for this prime real-estate and also for its glorious rent controlled agreement. The properties are owned by Angelina Fiordellisi, the executive director of the Cherry Lane Theater bought eight of the properties and was not planning to make a large profit from them. Most of the original buyers are still living in those properties holding on to them and passing them down to their children. 
        Elizabeth A. Harris knew her audience very well, dreamers who want to move to the Big Apple. She lures people in with a tempting illusion that they too could own an apartment in a big shot neighborhood for only $332 a month. I must say it was tempting and one day I believe that it would be fun to live in New York City, but for now I am happy in Massachusetts in a quiet town that almost no one knows about.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Not All College Majors are Created Equal

           A parent's nightmare is confirmed in this realistic article about a recent graduate's difficulties when entering the work force. Sometimes they can't even enter the work force because their major is holding them back. Some majors are just not practical is this troubled economy. Author Michelle Singletary plays a game with herself when she asks what people have majored in to see if they will have a job saying, "An English major with no internships or any plan of what she might do with the major to earn a living? No job" and "Engineering major with three relevant internships in the engineering field? Ding. Ding. We have a winner. Job.". I hate to say it, but I often do this as well. When I hear people say that they want to major in history my mind automatically jumps to, "Well, you can now either become a historian, a history teacher, or work at a historical museum", I don't do it to be mean, I do it because I am practical. Unemployment is at an all time high so this is something that the other students in my graduating class will have to think about. The thesis states, "They should do their homework before picking a major because, when it comes to employment prospects and compensation, not all college degrees are created equal". This article is a slap of reality for those who chose the wrong major.
           I strongly agree with this article, not all majors are created equal and I'd rather know that going into school than coming out with an almost useless degree. Taking a quote from a movie that many of my classmates hate to admit to viewing, " Major in philosophy, because there's no way to make a career out of that" (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse). Singletary is extremely logical in this article and her primary audience is high school seniors and juniors along with college freshmen. This is an extremely helpful article that teachers should read to their high school students.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Texting While Walking

                  Texting is an addiction, you cannot travel more than ten feet in public without seeing someone looking down at their cell phone, either responding or creating a text. According to Ohio State University, "more than 1,000 pedestrians visited emergency rooms in 2008 after they were injured while using a cellphone to talk or text" (Neistat). Really? You can't see where you are going and somehow you end up in the hospital, this is getting ridiculous. Maybe, people should learn when it is appropriate to text in public instead of just anywhere. 
                 Writer, Casey Neistat, was sarcastic and found humor in our blunders saying, "Let’s stop acting like hollowed-out zombies, with BlackBerrys and iPhones replacing eye contact, handshakes and face-to-face conversations.  It’s time to live once again in the present and simply be where we are". I agree, walking down the street to get a coffee should not be dangerous because someone decides to see what his or her friends are up to that evening. Let's be more considerate and think about the people around us, that is tough seeing as everyone around us is always texting too.

Paula Deen Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

           To many this comes as no surprise, but recently it was announced that Paula Deen has type 2 diabetes and has kept it a secret for three years. This butter lovin', southern chef has announced this news, but will continue on to cook all of her grits and gravy recipes. She kept it a secret for so long because she wanted to wait until she could do something publicly about it, "Novo Nordisk, the Danish pharmaceutical company that makes Victoza, a noninsulin injectable diabetes medication that she began promoting on Tuesday morning" (Moskin). So not only will she continue on to cook recipes that contributed to her getting diabetes, but she is also getting paid to be unhealthy and telling others that diabetes is not that bad. About 25 million American's have type 2 diabetes, all caused by excess weight, high blood sugar, lack of exercise, and a high fat and sugar diet. 
         I do not think that Mrs. Deen should be allowed to keep promoting her unhealthy cooking, while promoting a diabetes drug because she is basically saying that her recipes could cause medical condition, but its fine because they have a drug to fix it. Celebrity endorsements have gone too far. Author, Julia Moskin, agrees with my point of view, saying that she does not think Paula Deen should continue on cooking with mounds of cream cheese, butter, and mayonnaise. Diabetes, either type, should be taken more seriously.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Memoir #1: The Women Warrior

The Women Warrior, by Maxine Hong Kingston, is the first memoir that I am going to be reading. It is about a young women growing up in California as a Chinese-American. The first couple of pages are rather disturbing, starting out with a story about how a young women got pregnant while her husband was away and then killed herself and her newborn baby after the town had ransacked her house. This was the main character's aunt and now her mother is telling her this story, but she can not tell anyone as the father does not want to hear or speak about any of these events. Within the first pages of the chapter it is evident that she is living in a male dominant society that is set it its morals. When choosing this book I was a bit hesitant due to the fact that I did not know much about Chinese culture and society, but now I believe that it will focus mainly on the young girl trying to find her place in society.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cruise Ships Owners Blame Human Error

           This is a cruise ship passengers worst nightmare coming to life. Just picture a lovely sunset and you are on the deck enjoying a delectable dinner with your friends and then the boats shakes and soon you realize that the boat hit ground. Now, it has been said that this was due to human error. The $450 million cruise ship ran aground of an Italian islands due to, "an unapproved, unauthorized maneuver to divert from its programmed course", (Pianigiani). A crew member took the 4,200 passengers to close to the shoreline. This incidents is not taken lightly, "The Italian police detained Captain Schettino for questioning on charges of manslaughter, failure to offer assistance and abandonment of the ship", (Pianigiani). I am glad that someone will be held responsible for this horrible tragedy. 
           Events like this should not happen in the 21st century seeing how advanced G.P.S. and underwater cameras are today. The captain should not have gotten that close to shore, it was a careless more and writer Gaia Pianigiani agrees with me. Someone needs to be held responsible and I am happy that it is the captain, he is in charge and should have prevented this. So far, the death toll is at six, but rising everyday as more people are reported missing.

U.S. to Force Drug Firms to Report Money Paid to Doctors

You always see those commercials on television advertising for a new toothpaste or medicine and at the end there is a doctor endorsing it, well now those companies are being asked to share how much money they spend on those doctors endorsements. Not only for endorsements, but also for research, consulting, speaking, and traveling. The reason for this is because the government wants the patient to benefit from the medicine and not the doctors. According to this article, "about a quarter of doctors take cash payments from drug or device makers and that nearly two-thirds accept routine gifts of food, including lunch for staff members and dinner for themselves" (Pear). NOw, if one company has a product covered by Medicare or Medicaid they are legally obligated to share this information.
Writer, Robert Pear, is a concerned consumer and wrote this article for the people who buy prescriptions. I think that it will be extremely beneficial for this to happen because now we can see what doctor is actually approving medicine for the right reasons. I am surprised that this did not happen sooner because now more than ever the economy is very competitive and everybody wants to be better than the next guy.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The FAA Gets It Right...Almost

         A passengers worst nightmare, your on a plane and the intercom comes on and its a flight attendant saying that the pilot is passed out. Now I know that this situation is highly unlikely, but sleepless pilots are a danger to all. Last month the FAA released its new rules and policies that all pilots must follow and one of the new additions it a longer rest time in between flights. It took a while to achieve this, but a slew of fatal incidents pushed the committees to pass it. Each pilot must now get a ten hour rests period that they can have eight hours of uninterrupted sleep before taking off. 
        Writer, Patrick Smith, is very thrilled with the new additions to the flight policies and truly believes that they will work properly. Smith used the audiences fears of flying to his advantage so they can read this and calm their nerves. I think this is a step in the right directions for the FAA, because recently they have had many fumbles with their ridiculous policies. No one wants a tired pilot even if it is just a domestic flight so this is beneficial to everyone.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Are Teachers Overpaid?

            The everlasting debate over teachers pay is up for discussion again in this debate from the New York Times and I side with the teachers. The main statement that stood out to me in this article was, "The extra money is already there, but teacher quality has not risen to match it. This implies a fundamental problem with how teachers are hired", because we have a major issue with teacher hirings at Hanover High School. Another point brought up was how merit money should be set aside for the top teachers so that the ones that go above and beyond for their students will receive a bonus and that extra money could inspire others to work harder. I believe that students should be much more involved in the teacher hiring and evaluations that go on in the school district because we are the people that spend six hours a day with them. This debate will most likely go on as long as we have public schools, so take the time to think about how you stand on this issue. 
         Writers, Andrew Biggs and Jason Richwine, have brought up a very important issue in todays economy. If anybody deserves a  raise, it is most likely public school teachers, they care so much about their work and work hard to lead their students to success. I agree with this article though, not every teacher is worthy of a raise. I believe that many people are very passionate about this issue and that was used to fuel this ever growing debate.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bless Me, Ultima (Chapters 17-22)

All good things must come to an end. Bless Me, Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya, was one of those things and unfortunately this relaxing read has reached its conclusion. Unlike the rest of the book, the ending is disappointing. I liked the idea that Anaya wanted each individual reader to create their own ending, but I would have liked it better if she told us the life path that Antonio was going to take. I thought that he would follow in Ultima's footsteps, but now I am left wondering. Using the clues in the conclusion I do not think that he followed his brothers or Ultima and good for him. By the end he became an individual who could decide things for himself, he grew up in this novel and became a man. Antonio's First Communion was a big event in his life and unfortunately his questions to God were left unanswered. I feel bad for this boy, who has lost a lot, and now all of his questions that he believed would be answered were just left to be wondered. I believe that by God not answering all of Antonio's questions, it made his decision not to be a priest a lot easier.

Another event that changed Antonio's thinking was all of the deaths that he had to see. The deaths of Lupito, Floorence, Narciso, Tenerio, Tenerio's two daughters, and Ultima all made Antonio think and question his faith and who he is as a person. I don't blame Antonio for wanting answers to all of his questions because as humans we all have questions that will never be answered and that is a shame. The fact that Antonio survived all of these deaths emotionally shows that he is truly a strong individual that can take on anything. The deaths transformed an innocent boy into a man stuck with reality. My prediction that Ultima would eventually die did come true. Anaya used foreshadowing to guild the readers into predicting what would come next. I do wish that I could find out the true ending, but in the end all of the evil was washed out of Antonio's life and he learned many life lessons that made him stronger.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Should the World of Toys Be Gender-Free?

Girls play with Barbies and boys play with toy cars, right? Well, this gender discrimination has toy makers and stores believing that they can market toys better in gender-neutral situations. Hamleys is a toy giant in England and they recently changed over from pink and blue sections into sections, organized by types (soft toys) or by interests (nature). On the contrary, Lego will soon be releasing a new toy aimed towards girls. They are curvy Legos that go along with hair salons and coffee shop set-ups. Back in the 1960's Lego was believed to be for both girls and boys, but now they are trying to market their products better during the tough economic times and I for one don't blame them. Girls want to play with things that look more like their other toys and what their mothers look like, instead of awkward block men that go in blocked shaped cars. Writer, Peggy Orenstein, makes the point that, "Hamleys is on to something, though it will doubtless meet with resistance — even rejection" (Orenstein).
I agree with many of the points made in this article. Orenstein knows her audience, parents that already want to know what to buy their kids for Christmas 2012 and for retailers debating whether or not to reorganize their stores as well. To me, it makes sense to keep dolls and fake beauty salons in one section because the buyers will most likely be young girls. Keeping it gender specific makes the trip into the toy store easier and quicker when you know where to find a toy because a truck might be in the outdoors section, but could also fit in the automotive section. There are too many possibilities, when most likely a boy will want it. I do not mean to be sexist in any way, but to convey reality, I do not know many young girls who enjoy playing with fake guns. This article could spark controversy in the toy world.

Not Too Close to the Critters, Little Lady

Whatever you can do I can do better! Let's hand it to the ladies who are still breaking down gender barriers. In three new reality television shows, "Gator Boys", "Hook, Line,and Sisters", and "American Stuffers", girls are thought of as the weaker links in the chains. In all of these series men believe that they are stronger, faster, and more capable of doing the tougher jobs than women are. These odd jobs consist of being alligator trainers, a taxidermist, and a deep sea fisherman. Each one of these jobs has its difficult aspects and life-threatening conditions and I am happy that the men care about the women's safety, but they should also let them try it. The women chose that profession and are willing to step back and learn, but at a point they need to take action.
Writer, Neil Genzlinger, compares these television hits to old fashion movies, where a women would be stuck on a train track and wait helplessly until a man came to her rescue. Not all stories are like that and Genzlinger tries to make that point by saying, "These setups may seem to promote female empowerment, especially since the women are likely to prove themselves eventually" (Genzlinger), and I agree with his hypothesis. He makes his ideas clear and informative, while criticizing the shows that make women seem useless in the work force. Women can do anything that men can do, possibly more and I feel that women just need to work harder than men to prove themselves to their co-workers.